Mapping Risk Factors of Corona Virus Disease-19 (Covid-19) in Districts/Cities Jambi Province

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Irpan, Masrizal, & Isniati. (2023). Mapping Risk Factors of Corona Virus Disease-19 (Covid-19) in Districts/Cities Jambi Province: Mapping Risk Factors Covid-19. Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Andalas, 17(1). Retrieved from



Transmission of COVID-19 also occurred in Jambi Province, where cases have increased, the last two years 2020 (0,05%), 2021 (0,72%), 2022 (0,80%). The purpose of the study was to create a mapping of COVID-19 Risk Factors in Jambi Province. This study was an observational analytical study preceded by a descriptive study and continued with an analytical study. Research sites in Jambi Province with a population of all Districts/Cities and research variables (percentage of toddlers, pregnant women, the elderly, population density, education level, poverty level, number of health centers and hospitals) using secondary data from Dinkes and BPS Jambi Province 2022. Research analysis is cluster, biplot and descriminant analysis and mapping the potential vulnerability to COVID-19. Clustering results obtained three clusters of Districts/Cities. Variable Hospital, elderly, population density, poverty rate and pregnant women is the difference between cluster one and cluster two. As for the mapping results obtained mapping potential vulnerability to COVID-19. In this study it can be concluded that there are differences in characteristics and potential vulnerability to COVID-19 in each region, so it is expected that the Jambi Provincial Health Office can urge each region to always strive for 3T, 5M and optimization of vaccination.


Keywords : COVID-19, Risk Factors, District/City, Mapping


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